
Monday, December 7, 2020

My drawings?

 Today i was doing the last cybersmart lesson summer learning journey

 and i did 3 so go through them and comment if the real one is better than mine or if mine is better

1 Orignal                                                            1 Mine

2 Original
2 Mine
3 Orignal
3 Mine

Thursday, November 26, 2020

My Reading Create Task

 Welcome to my Create task

This Week we had to do a summary 4-5 sentences but mine is only 2 sentences because the book i was reading only had about 1 Sentence and that was Pavement art!

Hope you ENJOY

Monday, October 12, 2020

??--What Is Media??--??


~ Today we where learning what MEDIA is and also it is Cybersmart Today. Take a look on this slideshow! ~

Friday, September 18, 2020

My own science experiment (James & Kristian

 I was working with Kristian but then you have to go into one but all the stuff is on are separate blog posts!

So if you want to see what he changed on it go check his blog!!

And on mine this is what I changed!


Wednesday, August 26, 2020


This is my CREATE TASK
We had to make a story but with the same moral the book i read had


Hi for a lot of weeks we have been doing monster work
I have been in a team of 3 - ME, Amelia, Loki
And this is how we did it - Choosing a picture, 
Doing are plan of (5 Senses),  
Collaborated on a plan, 
Wrote out paragraphs 5 Of Them,
 Intro'ed our MONSTERS
Planwrork my own problem 

Thursday, August 20, 2020


My whole class was doing this so if you look you will see lot's of helicopters
I did have a team but then we needed are own videos on so we made copy's so if you look on Izaak's and Devan's Blogs This Will be kinder the same way as mine.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

My MONSTER - Writing/Google Drawing [Plan] /Hand Drawing [On Paper]

Hi Guys! [:
This week we have been making MONSTERS kinder like where the wild things are 
Its a book there is also a video of the book
3 Tasks - Descriptive Writing/Google Drawing [Plan For Drawing/Hand Drawing][On Paper]
WALT : Making 4 animal MONSTER by mixing the animals together
There is 4 paragraphs in this story of my MONSTER
Google Drawing[Plan]
What My Monsters Personality Is…
[Name Too]
This is Jam, that is his name but that's what I call him his wild name is
The Shsnagochee. Jam is an adventurous, smart monster. He loves going out
on adventures in land and water. He will also climb, run, walk and slither on
adventures and when he goes up a mountain he likes to stay there for a while
and then he slides back down to the bottom. Then he goes to get some food
and a drink. Jam is also brave and playful.

What my Monster looks like…
[And what he is too]
Jam is a Shark, Snake, Goat and a Cheetah.
This is what he looks like : a weird shark thing and if i see that i would run fast!
It has the body of a shark and the power of breathing underwater.
It also has the venom of a snake, the scales, the tonge and the ability of slither.
It also has the horns of a goat and it can charge and climb. It also has the speed
of a Cheetah, two legs, the ability of running, teeth and the dots.

My Monsters Actions are...
Jam eats anything except for building materials.
He likes sleeping in caves but he starts a fire in there so he can keep warm in his caves.
Jam gets energy by going in different lifeforms so if he gets tired from running
with his legs he can slide instead and when he is sliding his legs are being rested by
not using them and then they have energy he swaps back so he can sliver soon.
He gets water by drinking the water from the sea or lakes and stuff.

My shark/monster changes because...

He used to be a normal shark he was swimming around and then he saw some people
so he came over to them and then they took him away and put him in a tube and he
saw other animals in other tubes and then “BING!” There was smoke and then
BOOM!” He was mixed with a snake, goat and a Cheetah and they put him back in the water.
~|And This Is It|~
Hand Drawing

Thursday, July 30, 2020

My Create Task - Reading

This is my CREATE TASK 
[Cts means CREATE TASKS ] 
In Reading we make CTs and this week we are doing anilizing the story that you read and i'm doing Lost Treasure
Are WALT is : anilizing the story

Monday, July 27, 2020

Making A Comix

Today in cybersmart we were learning about how comments feel to people!
Here is a link to COMIX

Thursday, July 23, 2020

My Create Task

This week we have been doing a illustrate are book thats are create task!
And all this things are from the book.
And read the top first OK

Monday, June 22, 2020

Information Report About Snakes

4 Paragraphs 
Information Report

Welcome To My Scaly INFORMATION REPORT! Watch Out There's Snakes
In Here So Be Careful Or They might ... B-bi-it-te!“It's really HOT here”
You Said.  [FACTS] Because Snakes Like Warm Places. [You]“B-b, [Me]
Come in my Information Report It's Fun. HAHAHA Snake Bite Him! 
After This There Is Question So Answer :
--!!HAVE FUN!!--

What If A Snake Was Coming To Bite You?
You Could Defang It. Or Be Bitten By Snake Man. Or Run.
But How? Right Here!
How Do You Defang A Snake?
A snake that has been defanged, or otherwise rendered non-venomous, is called a venomoid.
This can be achieved by removing the fangs or removing the venom glands. Most owners who
want to turn their snake into a venomoid do so by removing their venom glands, or the ducts
that connect the venom glands to their fangs. 

  1. Physical Description Characteristics
Why Do Snakes Have Scaly Skin?
Snake bodies are covered with plates of scales, which help them move over hot surfaces l
ike tree bark, rocks and desert sand. Rough belly scales help the snake keep its grip on
rough branches and push off of surfaces when it needs to move. The scales are made up
of many layers of cells. 
Do Snakes Have Eyelids?
In snakes, there are no eyelids and the brille is clear and cannot be distinguished, except
when the animal is becoming ready for ecdysis. At that time, it becomes cloudy and is
visible as a cover over the eye. When the snake moults, the beille is also shed, generally
inside out, as part of its skin.

Do Snakes Have Ears? 
Snakes "hear" vibrations. Snakes have no visible ear, so they don't hear sounds as we do.
They have vestiges of the apparatus for hearing inside their heads, and that setup is
attached to their jaw bones, so they feel vibrations very well and may hear low-frequency
airborne sounds.
What Type Of Teeth Do Snakes Have?
Although most snakes have teeth, four rows on the top and two on the bottom, not all
snakes have fangs. Only the poisonous ones do. Fangs are sharp, long, hollow or grooved
teeth that are connected to a small sac in the snake's head behind its eyes. These sacs
produce a poisonous liquid called venom.
How Do Snakes Move If They Have No Legs?
  1. Snakes are reptiles with no legs. They move by using their muscles to push their
  2. scales against the ground or other objects. When it gets too cold snakes cannot move
  3. fast enough to catch or digest their prey. Snakes have four ways of moving around.
Since they don't have legs they use their muscles and their scales to do the "walking".
Serpentine method: This motion is what most people think of when they think of snakes.
Snakes will push off of any bump or other surface, rocks, trees, etc., to get going.

  1.  Food
Did You Know That Snakes eat stuff whole?
Snakes are carnivores that means they eat other animals. Snakes do not have the right kind
of teeth to chew their food so they must eat their catch whole. Their jaw is structured in such a
way that it allows the mouth to open wider than their own body in order to swallow.

What Do Snakes Eat?
They eat mice, eggs, fish, worms, termites, birds, bats, rattle snakes, tortoises, frogs, rodents
and rats. 
If you’ve ever seen snakes in the movies or on television, you might believe that they spend
their days slithering around in the wild searching for mice to eat. While some snakes do eat
mice, the fact is that not all snakes do, and it’s important to determine exactly what type of
food your pet snake would eat before buying one. Snakes are carnivores, so they do eat other
animals, herpetologist and lead reptile keeper at the Turtle Back Zoo in New Jersey. The
difference, though, is that the niche a particular snake has evolved to fill will determine
exactly what their prey will be. Here are some of the major details regarding snakes and their
diets.There is no one-size-fits-all definition to describe what snakes eat, many types eat many
different things. “Some snakes have special bodies that only eat one type of prey item.The
egg-eating snake, for example, only eats eggs. They have a special spur on the inside of one
of their vertebrae that breaks the egg after they swallow it whole. Then they crush all the yolk
and good egg-y stuff out. Finally, they spit the empty shell back out.

But What Will My Snake Eat?
While you’ll need to do your research for the specific species of snake you’re buying to find
out what it will eat, if it’s a generalist species, it’s best to give it several types of food, like live
crickets, fish and small mammals like mice and rats, all of which should be readily available
at your local pet store, Wines said. If the species you’re looking to buy is a specialist and
only eats one type of food in the wild, be prepared to always have that particular food item on
hand. Keep in mind that most snakes eat every 5-14 days, so determining ahead of time the
types of food you’ll need to buy for your new pet will ensure that it stays happy, healthy and
well fed for years to come.

  1. Predators
What Are Predators To Snakes?
It is hard to believe but snakes have many enemies. Large birds, wild boars, mongooses,
raccoons, foxes, coyotes and even other snakes are a few of the dangers snakes fall prey to. 
Many people find it surprising that the largest and the scariest snakes can be afraid of
anything, but it is true.  While they are young they are easy prey to many birds and mammals
but when they are older and larger they have humans to fear.
Humans hunt snakes for various reasons.  Many different breeds of snakes are captured and
shipped to other countries to be sold in pet shops. Venomous snakes are used for making
anti-venom, which is made from their venom and is used to save the life of a snakebite victim. 
Snakeskin is used for making many things including shoes, purses and belts.  And,
unfortunately, many people often kill snakes out of fear.
One of the biggest threats to the snake population, the same as with many other animals, is
the destruction of their habitats by humans.  Their homes are being destroyed to make room
for ranches, farms and highways.
Snakes have many ways of protecting themselves.  Their coloring alone is great camouflage
and some snakes can burrow down under sand or leaves for extra coverage.  Some huff, puff
and hiss loudly or shake their rattle tail to scare off a possible predator while others will flop
over and hang their tongue out and play dead! Venomous snakes will try to escape or frighten
off a hunter before ever trying to bite them.

  1. Habitat 
Where Does A Snake Live?
A habitat is a place where an animal naturally lives and includes the animal's surroundings
and home. Some snakes live in habitats on land, including forests, prairies, and deserts.
Others live in water environments. Even though snakes can be found all over the world,
most of the snakes live in warm tropical climates.
What's A Habitat?
The natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism.
What's A Snakes Habitat?
Snakes can be found all over the world, especially in warm tropical climates.
They can be found in a variety of habitats, including forests, deserts, and in water,
depending on the species. Snakes have to move around their habitat to warm up or cool down.

I Hope you liked my Information Report About Snakes Hope You Learned A Lot Of Stuff About Snakes What Would You Do If A Snake Was In Front
Of You?

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

My Create Task

This Is My Reading Task And I Read WHAT A DISASTER!
And Did 3. Things

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

4 Main Parts About : Its Snowing Again!

This are task this week,W9 this was are reading was 4 Main Parts of the story we picked and i picked. Its Snowing Again!  School Journal Part 2 Number 2 

Monday, June 8, 2020

Information Report About Polar Bears

Rendered Image
4 Paragraphs 
Information Report

Polar Bears Are Amazing Bears And They Can Survive In The Cold.
Get Some Facts In This Report About What Type Of Food They Eat,
Where They Live, What Attack Them And That Hurts Their
  1.    Food
Did you know polar bears eat their Cubs?
When they have no food they will eat their baby Cubs.
Polar bears also eat seals, bird eggs, harp, fish and mother’s milk.
The baby Cubs drink the polar bears milk and they eat young walruses.
When they eat a seal the oil goes on them and it will make them seem
They also eat seals everyday.

  1.    Habitat
Did you know polar bears live in the Arctic circle?
It’s Icy, Snowy and Freezing there, the % of humans living there is 0.1%
because the ice keeps on constantly moving. Polar bears live in : Canada,
Russia, Alasta, Greenland and Norway.
Polar bears live in dens/houses.

  1.   Predators
Did you know humans hurt polar bears?
Humans hunt down polar bears for their fur and male polar bears will
attack other polar bears because they will eat them for food if they are

  1. Environmental Dangers
Did you know heat can hurt polar bears?
Heat can hurt polar bears because their habitat is freezing so their ice
will melt and then their environment will lose population, polar bears, ice,
coldness and snow will go and their environment is gone. Storms can also
hurt polar bears, it can Zap them and break their ice and dens.

Polar Bears are amazing animals.
I hope you have learnt lots of facts about polar bears in this report.
What would you do if a polar bear was in front of You?

Friday, May 29, 2020

10 Facts About Tigers

I was reading a Tiger book for Reading. So we had to do 10 facts about what you read?
These are the type of books we had to pick from :
Brown bears, Monkeys, Apes, Too Many Possums, Tasmanian Devils, Kangaroos, Tigers On The Prowl, Emily's Hens, Zoo Babies, The Orang-utan The Tuatara, Monarch Emergency.
And Thats All!

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

This Is Bubble School

Bubble school was were some people stayed at level 3/2
Because are parents had to work so we stayed here!

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Monday, May 4, 2020

Movie Incredible : Dash Running On Water.

My Story About Dash Running on Water

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Reaching For My Goal

We have 5 values at our school that's : HEART
Last week, we looked at 'Aspire'.
My Goal Is To Not Talk On The Mat.
I will try to achieve this by not Talking on the mat at learning time.
Do you have any learning goals for 2020? Please share them when you comment down below😀