Hi Guys! [:
This week we have been making MONSTERS kinder like where the wild things are
Its a book there is also a video of the book
3 Tasks - Descriptive Writing/Google Drawing [Plan For Drawing/Hand Drawing][On Paper]
WALT : Making 4 animal MONSTER by mixing the animals together
There is 4 paragraphs in this story of my MONSTER
Google Drawing[Plan]
What My Monsters Personality Is…
[Name Too]
This is Jam, that is his name but that's what I call him his wild name is
The Shsnagochee. Jam is an adventurous, smart monster. He loves going out
on adventures in land and water. He will also climb, run, walk and slither on
adventures and when he goes up a mountain he likes to stay there for a while
and then he slides back down to the bottom. Then he goes to get some food
and a drink. Jam is also brave and playful.
What my Monster looks like…
[And what he is too]
Jam is a Shark, Snake, Goat and a Cheetah.
This is what he looks like : a weird shark thing and if i see that i would run fast!
It has the body of a shark and the power of breathing underwater.
It also has the venom of a snake, the scales, the tonge and the ability of slither.
It also has the horns of a goat and it can charge and climb. It also has the speed
of a Cheetah, two legs, the ability of running, teeth and the dots.
My Monsters Actions are...
Jam eats anything except for building materials.
He likes sleeping in caves but he starts a fire in there so he can keep warm in his caves.
Jam gets energy by going in different lifeforms so if he gets tired from running
with his legs he can slide instead and when he is sliding his legs are being rested by
not using them and then they have energy he swaps back so he can sliver soon.
He gets water by drinking the water from the sea or lakes and stuff.
My shark/monster changes because...
He used to be a normal shark he was swimming around and then he saw some people
so he came over to them and then they took him away and put him in a tube and he
saw other animals in other tubes and then “BING!” There was smoke and then
“BOOM!” He was mixed with a snake, goat and a Cheetah and they put him back
in the water.
~|And This Is It|~
Hand Drawing